
Volcanoes in Ecuador

Find list of active and inactive volcanoes in different region, their elevation, geo-coordinates, location map, when they last erupted and related info. A volcano is a rupture in the Earth crust that allows hot lava, volcanic ash, and gases to escape from a magma chamber below the surface.
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Volcanoes in Galápagos Islands
NameHeight (meter)CoordinatesLast Eruption
Alcedo1,130 m0.43°S, 91.12°W1993
Cerro Azul1,640 m0.9°S, 91.42°W2008
Cerro Pajas640 m1.3°S, 90.45°WHolocene
Darwin1,330 m0.18°S, 91.28°W1813
Ecuador790 m0.02°S, 91.55°W1150
Fernandina Island1,495 m0.37°S, 91.55°W2009
Galapagos Rift-2,430 m0.79°N, 86.15°W1996
Genovesa64 m0.32°N, 89.96°W 
Marchena343 m0.33°S, 90.47°W1991
Pinta780 m0.58°S, 90.75°W1928
San Cristóbal759 m0.88°S, 89.5°W 
Santa Cruz864 m0.62°S, 90.33°W 
Santiago920 m0.22°S, 90.77°W1906
Sierra Negra1,124 m0.83°S, 91.17°W2005
Wolf1,710 m0.02°N, 91.35°W1982

Volcanoes in Mainland
NameHeight (meter)CoordinatesLast Eruption
Antisana5,753 m0.48°S, 78.14°W1802
Atacazo4,463 m0.35°S, 78.62°W 
Carihuairazo5,018 m1.41°S, 78.75°W 
Cayambe5,790 m0.03°N, 77.99°W1786
Chakana4,643 m0.37°S, 78.25°W1773
Chiles4,756 m0.8°N, 77.95°W1936
Chimborazo6,310 m1.47°S, 78.82°W640 AD ± 500 years
Corazón4,790 m0.43°S, 77.72°WHolocene
Cotopaxi5,897 m0.68°S, 78.44°W1940
Cuicocha3,246 m0.31°N, 78.36°W950 BC
Cusin 0.15°N, 78.14°W 
El Altar or Kapak Urku5,405 m1.68°S, 78.42°W 
Illiniza5,248 m0.66°S, 78.71°WHolocene
Imbabura4,557 m0.26°N, 78.18°WLate Pleistocene
Mojanda4,263 m0.13°N, 78.27°WHolocene
Pan de Azucar3,482 m0.43°S, 77.72°WHolocene
Pasochoa 0.46°S, 78.48°WExtinct
Pululagua3,356 m0.04°N, 78.46°W467 BC
Quilotoa3,914 m0.85°S, 78.9°W1797
Reventador3,562 m0.01°S, 77.65°W2014
Rumiñawi4,721 m0.63°S, 78.53°W 
Sangay5,188 m2.03°S, 78.34°W2013
Sincholagua4,873 m0.55°S, 78.37°W 
Soche3,955 m0.55°N, 77.58°W 
Sumaco3,990 m0.53°S, 77.62°W1933
Tulabug3,336 m1.78°S, 78.61°WHolocene
Tungurahua5,023 m1.47°S, 78.44°W2014
Wawa Pichincha4,784 m0.17°S, 78.6°W2004
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