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 Pregnancy month 4

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Find changes in your body and development of fetus in 4th month of your pregnancy, how the fetus have grown and developed inside the womb during this month, find length of fetus, weight and how it looks like in this month of your pregnancy.
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Note: Information provided on this page is for general education only, growth of baby inside womb depends upon many factors and growth of your baby may differ slightly than indicated below, please seek medical advice whenever in doubt.

In 4th month of pregnancy ...

Pregnancy month four starts at (pregnancy) week 14 till week 17. The baby will grow to average length of about 5.12 inches or 13 centimeter measured Crown to Rump (CR) weighing about 4.94 ounces or 140 grams towards the ends of this month.

In 1st week of this month   (pregnancy week 14)
  • Baby's nose, lips and taste buds are formed. Baby may even be growing soft and fine hair called lanugo on its head. Baby's heart beats at around twice the rate of adult human.
  • Baby is now producing urine and actually urinating into the amniotic fluid. It also can practice "breathing" the amniotic fluid in and out of its lungs. Amniotic fluid is an amazing substance, it completely regenerates itself every three hours.
  • Baby's eyelids are fused over their eyes, which though fully developed, are too sensitive to be exposed to anything which could irritate them.
  • Baby's neck is now separating baby’s little head and its chest. Its chin is jutting out more and those little ears which until now, were positioned quite low down, have moved into their rightful place on the side of the head.
  • Baby is making facial movements such as frowning and squinting. Generally female fetus shows mouth movements much more often than males. It's still flickering around in your uterus, making sudden jumping movements which you won't be aware of until next couple of weeks.
  • If you are having twins or a multiple babies, your tummy may be much bigger than you expect it to be. One of the first signs of carrying more than one baby is excessive nausea and being large for dates. An ultra-sound will soon pick up if there is more than one baby inside.
  • Baby will grow to average length of about 3.42 inches or 8.7 centimeter Crown to Rump (CR) and weighs about 1.52 ounce or 43 grams towards the ends of this week.

In 2nd week of this month   (pregnancy week 15)
  • Baby's scalp hair pattern is developing. Heart is pumping about 25 quarts of blood a day which will increase to about 300 quarts at term.
  • If you could see your baby's face, you might be able to see her wince and grimace, because their facial muscles are developing and flexing. The skin is very thin and you can see the blood vessels clearly underneath. Baby may have developed habit of sucking his or her thumb.
  • All of the tiny organs, nerves, and muscles are now functioning. The intestines have moved farther into the baby's body; liver begins to secrete bile, which will later aid in the digestion of fats; and pancreas begins to produce insulin, a hormone which turns sugar into energy.
  • Three small bones in your baby's inner ear start forming this week, so it will be able to hear. Practice singing to it, saying hello and generally building an emotional connection which will last for life.
  • Baby's legs are now longer than its arms and body is becoming longer, its little head isn't the biggest body part any more.
  • Lots of arm and leg waving is going on with no much coordination, this movement cannot be felt yet however until next few weeks.
  • Baby will grow to average length of about 3.98 inches or 10.1 centimeter Crown to Rump (CR) and weighs about 2.47 ounces or 70 grams towards the ends of this week.

In 3rd week of this month   (pregnancy week 16)
  • Baby is now about the size of a small gerbil and could fit in the palm of your hand.
  • Baby's nail are well formed and growing, and some babies may need of having their nails trimmed at birth. The ears have also moved from the neck to the head. Baby is emptying his or her bladder every 40-45 minutes.
  • The limb movements are becoming more coordinated and unless you been pregnant before, you're still blissfully unaware of any movement at this point. In next few days or week, you will begin to feel fetal movement as your baby's bone hardens, and starts a big growth spurt.
  • Baby is able to make sideways movements with its eyes. Though its eyelids are still sealed for protection, the muscles which control their eyes are starting to work. They scrunch up their eyes when bright light shines through your abdominal wall.
  • Baby can open its little mouth and move its tiny lips. There's lots of practicing going on as well with breathing and swallowing movements, so that amniotic fluid is constantly being cycled through.
  • Though still bit early, the gender of baby can be determined at this point using an ultrasound if baby is a girl or boy. Please note some countries like India have banned sex determination during pregnancy and is a punishable offence.
  • Baby will grow to average length of about 4.57 inches or 11.6 centimeter Crown to Rump (CR) and weighs about 3.53 ounces or 100 grams towards the ends of this week.

In 4th week of this month   (pregnancy week 17)
  • Baby is now growing quickly that in just last two weeks, the baby is about as wide as your palm, and its weight has doubled. Baby now weighs more than your placenta.
  • Baby is now covered with a downy layer of lanugo, baby skin is still thin with skin stretched tautly over its little body, and blood vessels which are supplying baby with oxygenated blood are visible through its translucent skin.
  • Brown fat, a special type of fat that plays important role in body heat generation and these will help baby maintain their body temperature when they are born, is being deposited. By end of pregnancy this will account for 2-6% of their total body weight.
  • Lot of calcium is been added to the babies bones and the bones are continuously becoming denser and stronger. Mother should add lot of dairy and calcium rich food in their diet.
  • If the baby is girl, her ovaries will contain all the eggs she will have in her lifetime which is around 3 million. For baby boy, testicles are still sitting high up in his abdomen. Tiny nipples are starting to become visible on baby's chest wall.
  • Baby's primary or deciduous teeth have formed in their gums; baby can yawn, stretch and make facial grimaces, move and exercise but still sleeps a lot. Baby is now forming unique fingerprint.
  • Baby can now listen sound and mother should now onwards stay away from loud and high pitch sound as the loud noises outside may actually cause the baby to startle.
  • Baby will grow to average length of about 5.12 inches or 13 centimeter Crown to Rump (CR) and weighs about 4.94 ounces or 140 grams towards the ends of this week.
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