
Birth control and your cycle FAQs

Note: Information provided on this page is for reference only, please seek medical assistance when in doubt

Is there online calculator to predict safe period during my menstrual cycle?
Yes, please find this Safe Period Calculator

Is there online calculator to predict my ovulation date?
Yes, please find this Ovulation Calculator

Is there any day of my cycle when I'm least likely to get pregnant?
It's pretty unlikely to get pregnant while on your period and you're most fertile when you're ovulating, which is typically around day 14 of your cycle. Given the fact that sperm can survive inside the vagina for five days you highly likely to become pregnant up to five days before and one day after you ovulate. However experts still recommend sticking to a long-term birth control method if you're serious about preventing your pregnancy.

Is there anything wrong with starting a new birth control pill pack if I want to skip my period week?
Not at all women on the pill have been doing this for decades, and it's a completely safe way to postpone your period until you feel like getting it again, whether it's a week later or months later.

 More FAQs ...
 »   Birth control and your cycle FAQs
 »   Birth control and your health FAQs
 »   Contraceptive Pills FAQs
 »   Depo Provera (Shot) FAQs
 »   NuvaRing (Ring) FAQs
 »   Ortho Evra (Patch) FAQs
 »   Other Birth Control FAQS
 Birth Control Overview
 »   Birth Control Overview
 »   Different method of birth control
 »   Different contraceptive devices & medications
 »   Comparison of birth control methods
 »   Effect on Health
 »   Effect on family economy
 Birth Control Calculators
 »   Safe Period Calculator
 »   When is Ovulation (Ovulation Calculator)
 Birth Control Methods
 »   Abstinence
 »   Barrier
 »   Behavioral
 »   Emergency contraceptive
 »   Fertility awareness
 »   Hormonal
 »   Intrauterine devices
 »   Lactational amenorrhea
 »   Sterilization
 »   Withdrawal
 Contraceptives & Medications
 »   Abortion
 »   Cervical caps
 »   Condoms
 »   Contraceptive sponges with spermicide
 »   Diaphragms
 »   Emergency contraceptive
 »   Implants under the skin
 »   Injections
 »   Intrauterine devices (IUDs)
 »   Oral pills
 »   Patches
 »   Vaginal ring
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