
NuvaRing (Ring) FAQs

Note: Information provided on this page is for reference only, please seek medical assistance when in doubt

Can my partner feel "The Ring" during intercourse?
Mostly your partner will never feel and tell that a woman has a NuvaRing inside her. However sometimes this can be felt by a man with his fingers deep inside during foreplay or manual stimulation.

Do I need to refrigerated it before I use?
No, The NuvaRing can be kept at room temperature for up to 3 months before use.

My ring fell out. What should I do?
If the ring falls out, you should rinse it well with cool or lukewarm water, do not use hot water for cleaning it. Put it right back inside you and relax. If the ring has been out for more than 3 hours, put it back inside you and use other contraception such as condom for the next 7 days. If your ring falls out regularly consult your doctor

How far up "The Ring" should be put?
The NuvaRing can be anywhere inside your vagina. If you or your partner feel it during intercourse it should be gently pushed up a little farther. Upper vagina of woman is not as sensitive as it is near the opening.

What if I can't find or reach "The Ring"?
Provided NuvaRing hasn't fallen out, it simply cannot get lost inside you neither it can pass through your cervix into your uterus. Use your index or middle finger to feel inside your vagina, especially all the way up behind your cervix and it is somewhere inside your vagina.

How my Cervix does feel like?
Your cervix normally feels like the tip of your nose.

Is it normal to spot or bleed between my periods when using "The Ring"?
Though it can happen, spotting or bleeding between periods is less common with the Ring than with birth control pills.

Is missing my period when using "The Ring" normal?
You may miss a period every once in a while when using NuvaRing. If your inserted it at the start of your cycle and was in your vagina for the whole 3 weeks, never out for more than 3 hours at a time it is unlikely you are pregnant provided you do not have any other symptoms of pregnancy. However please use urine pregnancy test kit when in doubt to be double sure.

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