
Newton definition

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Newton is a unit to measure Temperature, Weight and Force

    1  Newton = 1 Joules per Meter
    1  Newton = 0.102 Kilogram
Use Temperature Conversion, Weight Conversion, Force Conversion to convert Newton to different units
Different units to measure Temperature, Weight and Force are:
Arratel (Arab)Arroba (Portugal)
Arroba (Spain)Artel (Arab)
Ass (Northern Europe)Atomic Mass Unit (AMU)
AvogramBag (portland cement)
Baht (Thailand)Bale (UK)
Bale (US)Bismar Pound (Denmark)
Candy (India)Carat
Carat (till 1913, US)Carga (Mexico)
Catti (China)Catti (Japan)
Catty (China)Catty (Japan)
Catty (Thailand)Celsius (°C)
CentalCenti Newton
CentigramCentner (Germany)
Centner (Russia)Chalder
ChaldronChin (China)
Chin (Japan)Clove
CrithDan (China)
Dan (Japan)Deci Newton
DecigramDecigram Force
DecitonneDeka Newton
DekagramDekagram Force
DekatonneDelisle (°De)
Denaro (Italy)Denier (France)
English MarkEtto (Italy)
Exa NewtonFahrenheit (°F)
Firkin (butter)Firkin (soap)
FlaskFother (Lead)
Fotmal (Lead)Funt (Russia)
Funte (Russia)German Mark
Giga GramGiga Newton
Giga TonneGin (China)
Gin (Japan)Grain
GramGram Force
Gran (Germany)Grani (Italy)
Grano (Italy)Gros
Hecto NewtonHectogram
Hundredweight (Long, UK)Hundredweight (Short, US)
HYLJin (China)
Joules per MeterJupiter
Kati (China)Kati (Japan)
Keel (coal)Keg (nails)
Kelvin (°K)Kilo Newton
Kilogram ForceKilopond
KilotonneKin (Japan)
Koyan (Malaysia)Kwan (Japan)
Last (Germany)Lb
Lb, LbsLiang (China)
Libra (Ancient Rome)Libra (Italy)
Libra (Metric)Libra (Portugal)
Libra (Spain)Livre (France)
Long KilotonLong Ton Force
Lot (Germany)Mace (China)
Mahnd (Arab)Marc (France)
Marco (Spanish)Maund (India)
Maund (Pakistan)Mega Newton
MegatonneMercantile Pound
Metric Ton ForceMic
Micro NewtonMicrogram
Milli NewtonMillier
MilligramMina (Hebrew)
Momme (Japan)Myriagram
Nano NewtonNanogram
Newton (°N)Obol (Greece)
Obolos (Ancient Greece)Obolos (Greece)
Obolus (Ancient Rome)Obolus (Greece)
Okka (Turkey)Onca (Portuguese)
Once (France)Oncia (Italy)
Ons (Dutch)Onza (Spanish)
OunceOunce (Troy)
Ounce ForcePacken (Russia)
Pennyweight (Troy)Peta Newton
Pfund (Denmark)Pfund (Germany)
Pico NewtonPoint
PondPond (Dutch)
Pood (Russia)Pound
Pound (Metric)Pound (Troy)
Pound (Troy)Pound Force
PoundalPud (Russia)
Pund (Scandinavia)Qian (China)
Qintar (Arab)Quarter (UK)
Quarter (US)Quarter Ton (US)
Quintal (French)Quintal (Metric)
Quintal (Portugal)Quintal (Spanish)
Rankine (°R)Ratel (Arab)
Réaumur (°Ré)Rebah
RobieRømer (°Rø)
Rotel (Arab)Rottle (Arab)
Scruple (Troy)Seer (India)
Seer (Pakistan)Shekel (Hebrew)
Short KilotonShort Ton Force
StoneTahil (China)
Tahil (Japan)Talent (Hebrew)
Tan (China)Tera Newton
TeragramTetradrachm (Hebrew)
Tical (Asia)TME (Technische Mass Einheit)
TodTola (India)
Tola (Pakistan)Ton (Long, UK)
Ton (Metric)Ton (Short, UK)
Tonelada (Portugal)Tonelada (Spain)
TonneTonneau (France)
Tovar (Bulgaria)Truss
UK CaratUK Sack (wool)
Uncia (Rome)Unze (Germany)
US LastUS Last (wool)
Vagon (Yugoslavia)Yotta Newton
Zentner (Germany)Zetta Newton
Similar sounding units:
Centi NewtonDeci Newton
Deka NewtonExa Newton
Giga NewtonHecto Newton
Kilo NewtonKilonewton Meter
Kilonewton per square MeterMega Newton
Mega Newton per square MeterMeganewton Meter
Micro NewtonMicronewton Meter
Milli NewtonMillinewton / meter
Millinewton MeterNano Newton
Newton / CoulombNewton / meter
Newton CentimeterNewton Meter
Newton Meter per secondNewton per square Meter
Newton per square MillimeterNewton second / m²
Newton (°N)Peta Newton
Pico NewtonTera Newton
Yotta NewtonZetta Newton

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Supported Conversion Types ...
Angular AccelerationAngular Velocity
AreaBlood Sugar
Clothing SizeComputer Storage Unit
Cooking VolumeCooking Weight
Data Transfer RateDate
DensityDynamic Viscocity
Electric CapacitanceElectric Charge
Electric ConductanceElectric Conductivity
Electric CurrentElectric Field Strength
Electric PotentialElectric Resistance
Electric ResistivityEnergy
Energy DensityEnergy Mass
Euro CurrencyFluid Concentration
Fluid Flow RateFluid Mass Flow Rate
Fuel EconomyHeat Capacity
Heat DensityHeat Flux
Heat Transfer CoefficientIllumination
Image ResolutionInductance
Kinematic ViscosityLength
Luminance (Light)Light Intensity
Linear Charge DensityLinear Current Density
Magnetic Field StrengthMagnetic Flux
Magnetic Flux DensityMagnetomotive Force
Mass Flux DensityMolar Concentration
Molar Flow RateMoment of Inertia
Radiation AbsorbedRadiation Exposure
RadioactivityShoe Size
SoundSpecific Volume
SpeedSurface Charge Density
Surface Current DensitySurface Tension
TemperatureThermal Conductivity
Thermal ExpansionThermal Resistance
VolumeVolume Charge Density
Water Oil ViscosityWeight
Topic of Interest ...
AreaAstrologyBaby Names
BankingBirth ControlChemistry
Chinese AstrologyCity InfoElectricity
TemperatureTime & DateTrain Info
VolumeWeightWorld Clock
Zodiac AstrologyOther 

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